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William Blend, CPA

William Blend, CPA, CFE, heads MSL’s Governmental Practice Group. He has over 30 years of public accounting experience. This experience includes extensive work in auditing and consulting with governmental entities including municipalities, counties, school boards, and special districts. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner. He has performed multiple litigation and consulting engagements involving fraud and other forensic accounting issues. Bill Is a member of the Florida Board of Accountancy and currently serves at the Board Chair. He is also a member of the AICPA State & Local Government Expert Panel. He’s authored numerous CPE courses and has instructed CPE sponsored by the AICPA, FGFOA, the FICPA, and others, including ACPEN.

Product Type
Live Webcast Replay

ACPEN Signature 2024: Governmental Accounting & Auditing Update

Total Credits: 8 including 4 Accounting (Governmental) - Technical, 4 Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

Average Rating:
ACPEN Signature |  Accounting and Auditing
Carole A. Burgess, CPA |  Frank Crawford, CPA |  Joel Black, CPA |  Robert Scott, CPA |  William Blend, CPA
8 Hours
$250.00 - Webcast

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